Authorized Miura Dealer in San Francisco


We are a featured dealer and fit with the full range of Miura clubs.





Balance-Certified Golf and Tour Lock Pro Golf make replaceable drop-in weights that fit into the end of the grip to improve club stability and enhance feel during the swing. In putters, they minimize excess wrist movement for a smooth stroke and better distance control. The right counterweight in a driver, wedge, or iron helps keep the club on plane to promote accurate ball contact as well as a late release for more club head speed.

Counterweights can be installed at the very end of the butt region or at different locations under the grip region. Fitting with moveable weights allow for fine tuning of the effect. BCG’s Stabilizer designs and TL’s Optivibe locate weight accordingly at different positions in the shaft to optimize club balance point. Balance fitting is one of those “under the hood” secrets of the pros that you can easily bring into your own game. We’ll fit you with our launch monitor to find the right weight for you.

The greatest effect of counterweights happens with putters. We have been fitting putters with counterweights for several years for one good reason: they absolutely improve the stability of everyone's putting stroke. We play counterweights in every putter we take to the course. Depending on the level of refinement you are looking for in your game, we can fit you with a counterweight that optimizes your stroke. It works with putters every time.

The effects of counterweights on other clubs vary depending on their balance and design. We are entertained by the marketing claims and enjoy reading them, but the reality is that it benefits some clubs more than others. Wedges are probably where the most interesting effects are seen, especially for players who have difficulty controlling their swing on partial shots. We have plenty of experience fitting for counterweights in wedges to enhance control, and we can test you for the effects on your swing kinematic sequence. Let us know how we can help you.