K-Vest 3D Biofeedback
Biofeedback with K-Vest 3D motion capture technology is the most effective strategy we've encountered for learning the golf swing. A lightweight solid-state sensor is placed on the back side of the pelvis at the base of the spine, a second sensor is placed between the shoulder blades, and a third sensor on the back of the lead hand. A wireless signal is sent to a nearby laptop for analysis and 3D imaging.
The computer screen displays a simple mesh model of your upper body and/or your lower body. When you move, the mesh model moves. Any changes in the rotational position of body segments can be displayed on the screen or graphed vs. time to show how you move through the backswing, the downswing, the transition from backswing to downswing, and through impact.
Every move of your swing is quantified and available for analysis and learning using both video and audio feedback. The optimum ranges for your body angles to make an efficient swing can be set and displayed to guide you in your learning. You know where you are now and where you want to be. No guesswork.
Upper body and lower body meshes can be displayed in color. We can set the color to green to indicate when you're in the optimum range, and red for when you're out of the optimum range. Audio feedback can be matched to the color changes. You know immediately when your swing mechanics are at their most efficient.
The parameters of an efficient swing are based on what works for the best players on the planet -- the men and women of the professional golf tours. The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) has accumulated this real-world swing data to determine what works best for any swing style or technique. However you swing a club, the TPI version of the K-Vest software will guide you to your most efficient pattern of movement. Biofeedback tells you when you are achieving your swing goals and when an adjustment will help you improve.
You advance at a pace that suits your playing goals. The TPI guides can be set to match your current range-of-motion and changed to reflect the progress you get from biofeedback. TPI swing ranges are your assurance that you are learning the most effective swing techniques.
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